Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Fun times in Denver

The Chatwin's arrived in Denver a few days before the Silverwood's did, we spent the days doing lots of girl things. Morgan and Kate spent a few hours coloring with the little girls. We watched "Phantom" Becka's favorite movie (she is a very sophisticated 3 year old, she has the entire movie memorized and even went the the theater to see the Broadway play with her Dad.) and lots of other princess movies.
Favorite Aunt Linda had fun doing pedicures with the girls.
What do you think?
Cute cousins!! Where is Becka and Jenna?
Becka is finding nail polish,
Jenna is sleeping, how unusual for Jenna, not!
This is the fashion show after 2 days of shopping, everyone got new clothes. What would a shopping trip be if you don't bring something home to show for it?
Becka was a little afraid of the Easter Bunny, she is not afraid of Favorite Aunt Linda so she would get her picture taken for Easter. She wasn't sure why she should see the Easter Bunny because her Dad told her he was the Easter Bunny and left her treats. What a way to spoil a fun holiday. What do you tell her about Christmas Jim?
Reagan's not afraid to give the Easter Bunny a hug as long as someone goes with her, thanks Jenna.
All the little girls with the Easter Bunny, Makall will always be my little girl!
Reagan and Becka got new Easter outfits from the mall.
Favorite Aunt Linda bought them new shoes to go with their dresses. There were cute sandals to match Reagan's dress but she did not want them because her Dad told her that toes are ugly and gross. Jim what are you thinking?
Becka, Kate, Morgan, Makall, Reagan & Jenna. All the girls are ready for a rest, shopping is hard work!
We all got treats from the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory. Jenna wanted ice cream.
Katelyn got a giant peanutbutter cup,
Makall is also a fan of the peanutbutter cup!
Morgan got a giant chocolate covered strawberry.
Reagan was with Morgan on thinking the strawberries looked the best. What do you think of her awesome crown braide Favorite Aunt Linda did?
Morgan liked the strawberry for a little while, then after she was sick she decided maybe it wasn't all so good after all.
Morgan and Reagan both show their dimples.
WOW, time for a break
After a long 2 days of shopping we made it to the girls favorit, the Disney store, Reagan liked Miney Mouse best.
Becka liked Bolt!
All the girls like the Disney store, even if it brings back bad memories for Morgan but that's another story.
Random signs in Denver, How can the speed limit be 12-1/2 MPH

1 comment:

  1. What fun pictures. I am glad you have posted about your trip. I might just have everyone look at your blog for it (jk). We are so glad you and your girls came. We had a lot of fun - but it is always fun when Favorite Aunt Linda comes.




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