Sunday, May 10, 2009

Grandbaby #1 on the way

Best News Ever!!! Morgan has been sick for the last 13 weeks because she is pregnant!!! What exciting news, we are so excited for her and Jordan. She is a very smart girl, if you ask her what she wants a boy or a girl she has the best answer ever and that is all she wants is a 4 chamber heart, intact spinal cord or in other words a healthy baby. She has been very, very, very sick. She throws up every day multiple times, has lost over 10 pounds but thanks to zofran is feeling a little better. She is due November 10th. I am still trying to get used to the idea of being a grandma, it sounds so old. However I couldn't be more excited. Seeing her so sick brings back many memories of when I was expecting her. If I could be sick for her I surely would. Almost 14 weeks, how time flies when your having fun! The 1st photo of my first grandchild, how exciting. I'm sure it is the first of many photo's.

1 comment:

  1. I am excited for you but I am a little jealous!!! My kids are older than your so really it should be me being a grandma!!



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