Thursday, October 29, 2009

Welcome Brynlee Virginia Squire !!!!!

Morgan and Jordan have great news that they are sharing with all of us, their baby has finally arrived. Brynlee Virginia Squire was born October29th at 12:26 P.M. Morgan went into labor around 10:00P.M. on the 28th, she was smart enough to stop her blood thinners she has been taking for her blood clot. She went to the hospital around 3 A.M. Dr. Hurst came around 8:00 and broke her water. After a few contractions she was ready for her epidural. By 9:00 she had dilted to 5 cm. When the nurse checked her an hour later to everyoned surprise she was completely dilated. The Dr. arrived at noon and Brynlee was born at 12:26. She came out crying which is always a relief. Jordan was able to cut the cord, she had apgar scores of 8& 9. What a wonderful surprise for all of us! Brynlee weighed 6 pounds 12 ounces and is 19 1/2 inches long. She was wide awake for quite a while. Morgan looked great, no one would have ever guessed she had just had a baby, good job Morgan your awesome.


  1. Cute baby! Cute family. I missed having a photographer around when we had our baby. Jim didn't take very many pictures and they weren't nearly as good.

  2. I love the scrapbook pages. The baby is so cute.

  3. I just have to say this is too funny. I stumbled across this post while researching the name Brynlee because it is one of my top names for a girl and this popped up, what I find so funny is that my second name would be Avery or Ava for short and I see that is your other baby girls name. I guess great minds think alike. Good luck with your family they are beautiful!



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